

Panel Mock UpDear New York Giants Players,

Especially those of you living in Hoboken.  The Empowehouse team has a challenge for you.  We have designed and will be building these awesome exterior wall panels that are strong and stuffed full of insulation and structure that will protect you from energy loss better than the Raiders Offensive line protects whoever is healthy enough to be the starting quarterback.  Ok, the Raiders O-line is a bad example because most things work better than the Raiders O-line, but regardless these panels are pretty damn sweet.

Anyways, the only problem with these panels is that they require the strength of the gods to move them into place, that or construction machinery.  Unfortunately we are somewhat tight on cash and you guys don’t have a next season right now.  My solution, provide you guys with a challenge/great workout while donating your service to a worthy cause.  If you haven’t read our website and to be frank I’m not sure how you haven’t if you’ve gotten far enough to come upon my rants, then you will know that our house is a attempt to make a model for low energy and low cost housing while also furthering Habitat for Humanity’s designs.  So WOOHOO!….. team work and helping.  Also an added bonus, I imagine that your Free Agency stock would take a big boost if you show you can lift these panels (pure speculation).  Any way, if you accept my challenge, email me or any other member of the team to figure out when to show up at the site in Hoboken. Otherwise I might have to do real work.That's where the insulation goes

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